Saturday, April 2, 2011

MLA Citation

As discussed in class, you will need to know how to use MLA citation. Not just for this class or paper, but generally, for all English papers.
Here is a handbook:
1. Write the citation format for College, The Easy Way as you would cite it in a bibliography.
2. Write the citation format for In Praise of the F Word as you would cite it in a bibliography.
3. Use a quote from either article in a sentence, and use MLA in-text citation format.
YOUR COLLEGE ATTITUDES RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT, whether you are writing a paper or doing a group presentation, is due this week. If you are writing a paper, you must bring your rough draft on Monday/Tuesday, groups you will be practicing. Papers and final projects are due Wednesday/Thursday. There will be no make ups for group presentations. None. No exceptions. If your group tells me that you didn't pull your weight, you will receive an automatic F.


  1. Uduak Ekpe


    Herbert, Ben. College the Easy Way. 9th March 2011. March 2011 .

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer (2009): 502-503.

    In-Text Citation

    Sherry stated that she has heard a lot of complains from students stating “I should have been held back” (503)

  2. Desmond Fernandez

    Hebert, Bob. “College the Easy Way.” The New York Times 5 March 2011. 9 March 2011 .

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. 502-503.

    At graduation thousands will be "handed meaning-less diplomas" (Sherry 502).


    Herbert, BOD. College the Easy Way. 4 March 2011: A21. New York Times. 2011

    Sherry,Mary."In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer: Pearson Education,Inc, 2009. 502-503.

    Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas (Sherry 502).

  4. Christopher Butler

    Hebert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." The New York Times, 4 March 2011. 10 march 2011.

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer: Pearson Education. 7th Ed. 2009. 502-503.

  5. Darius Brooks

    Herbert,Bob. College the Easy Way.4 March 2011: A21. New York Times. 9 March 2011

    Sherry,Mary."In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer 7th ed: Pearson Education,Inc, 2009. 502-503.

    Giving students a passing grade that they have not worked for is criplling them and the person that hires them since they do not possess the basic skills to work(Sherry 503).

  6. Jude Chibuzo Mgbanwunne

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way. " New York times, 4 Mar. 2011. Web. 4 Apr. 2011.

    Sherry, Mary. "In praise of the 'F' word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. U.S.A: Pearson Education Inc, 2009.

    "The book is based on a study, led by Professor Arum, that followed more than 2,300 students at a broad range of schools from the fall of 2005 to the spring of 2009." (Herbert Bob 1/1)

  7. Cathy Baker

    "In Praise of the 'F' Word." The Longman Writer. Ed. Mary Sherry.7th ed.2009. 502-503. Print.

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." New York Times 4 Mar. 2011.NYtimes. Web. 4 Mar. 2011

    In today's time it is believed that students are not being challenged enough for "they can get their degrees without putting in more of an effort because in far too many instances the colleges and universities are not demanding more of them" (Herbert).

  8. Christine Baker

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." New York Times 4 March 2011. The New York Times. Web. 4 April. 2011.

    “In Praise of the F Word.” The Longman Writer. Ed. Mary Sherry. 7th ed. 2009. 502-503. Print.

    Because college students are not being prepare efficiently to work in the work force “many of these young men and women are unable to communicate effectively” on the job (Herbert).

  9. Deair Herron

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." The New York Times [New York] 05 Mar. 2011. Print.

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. Pearson Education, 2009. 502-03. Print.

    Easier courses and easier majors have become more and more popular (Herber).

  10. Generia Vaughn
    Herbert,Bob."College the Easy Way." New York Times 4 March 2011. The New York Times.Web.4 March 2011.

    "In Praise of the "F" Word. "The Longman Writer."Ed. Mary Sherry.7th ed:Pearson Education,Inc,2009.502-503.Print

    "I liked to party and no one seemed to care."(Sherry 503).

  11. Shaina Craige

    1.) Hebert, Bob. “College the Easy Way.” The New York Times 5 March 2011. 9 March 2011 .

    2.)Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. 502-503.

    3.)In his article, Herber states that "easier courses and easier majors have become more and more popular" throughout colleges and universities (Herber).

  12. Alan Shaw Jr.

    Hebert, Bob. “College the Easy Way.” The New York Times 5 March 2011. 9 March 2011 .

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. 502-503.

    At graduation thousands will be "handed meaning-less diplomas" (Sherry 502).

  13. Larrimi Williams

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." New York Times 5 March 2011. The New York Times. Web. 5 March 2011

    "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer. Ed. Mary Sherry. 7th Edition. 502-503. Print

    Today's college students are taking the easy way out, "they can get their degrees without putting in more of an effort because in far too many instances the colleges and universities are not demanding more of them" (Herbert).

  14. Myron Lawson

    Herbert, Bob. “College the Easy Way.” The New York Times 5 March 2011. 9 March 2011.

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. Pearson Education, 2009. 502-503. Print.

    "Easier courses and easier majors have become more and more popular." (Herbert)

  15. Hebert, Bob. “College the Easy Way.” The New York Times 5 March 2011. 9 March 2011 .

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. 502-503.

    "Intellectual effort and academic rigor, in the mind of many of the nation's college students, is becoming less important(Herbert)."

  16. Cenea Taylor

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." The New York Times [New York] 05 Mar. 2011. Print.

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. Pearson Education, 2009. 502-03.

    Students need to care more about schooling instead of asking the teacher to pass them without them doing no work or even just getting by with a decent grade.

  17. Joshua Smith
    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." The New York Times [New York] 05 Mar. 2011. Print.

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. Pearson Education, 2009. 502-03.

    “Students are hitting the books less and partying more. Easier courses and easier majors have become more and more popular. Perhaps more now than ever, the point of the college experience is to have a good time and walk away with a valuable credential after putting in the least effort possible.(Herbert)"

  18. Shekaydra Green

    Herbert,Bob."College the Easy Way," The New York Times 05 March 2011.

    Sherry,Mary."In the Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer 7th Ed.(2009). 502-503.

    The cost of college has skyrocketed and a four-year degree has become an ever more essential cornerstone to a middle-class standard of living.(Herbert)

  19. Andrea Trahan

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." The New York Times [New York] 05 Mar. 2011. Print.

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. Pearson Education, 2009. 502-03. Print.

    "Passing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers..."(Sherry 503)

  20. Lee Mitchell

    Hebert, Bob. “College the Easy Way.” The New York Times 5 March 2011. 9 March 2011 .

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the "F" Word." The Longman Writer. 7th ed. 502-503.

    In this article the writter states "Students are hitting the books less and partying more" and it is contributing to the continual downfall of our higher learning education.
